To break forth from mediocrity Lifestyle and sow seeds for Abundant life of Freedom & Prosperity
To overcome every negative patterns of self, World & Satanic Forces, which hinders our path
To engage the enemy in battle and our weapon is prayer – Warfare Prayer
Transformation Resources
Is there a single law which could transform your lives forever from success to success. It seems like a sweeping question. Yet what can I say ?
Yes a big Yes.
The answer will unfold as you begin a journey with overcomers.
They overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony. They did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death
We Are Not Just An Organization Promoting Change, But A Total Transformation
Are you passionate about success in real-time. Successful people are also leaders who intern produce more successful people.
Our passion is to multiply successful disciples.
We are a community of people ,not just promoting change but a total transformation of lives.
Life Is Better Together
Prayer means different things for many people. I don’t have to spell it out. As you know all are praying.But what is prayer.
Prayer is at its core is spiritual. It is the thirst and longing of our hearts (inner person). Our sprit longs and thirst for real life . The utterances of the spirit is what the Bible portrays as prayer. In other words its our desire to get back to the life we dream (kingdom life) is expressed in prayer.
It’s the utterances of God’s spirit through us God’s spirit (holysprit) is a sprit of fire. (Desire). This sacredfire 🔥 Should burn at the alter (HEART) all the time. In the face of the onslaught of death (Negative forces) on life, most of us abandon desire (Prayer). To abandon desire is to lose heart. Only a strong heart can continue in prayer.
Most think Meditation is practiced in the mind. Even though the mind is involved,At its core Meditation is spiritual. Practiced by the sprit man. It is a deep inward relationship with God. It is practicing the presence of God. Its built on the foundation of prayer. This prayer does not come out of your mind, but from your heart. Even any outward activities won’t interfere with this state of Meditation.
Meditation and prayer goes hand in hand. Reading scripture helps to meditate. We must plunge into very depths of the words we read, until we receive Revelation. At this stage you will enter into a deep inward state, like a sweet aroma breaks upon you. We must continue to wait . The greatest difficulty we will have in waiting has to do with the mind. The mind has a tendency to stray away.
We can read scripture or spiritual Books to quieten the mind. As prayer , faith also plays a big role in this level of Meditation. We must also set a time to practice Meditation. Come quietly, turn your heart to the presence of God. We turn to him by faith. By faith you believe you have come into the presence of God. While you are there, hold your heart in his presence. This is also done by faith. Now waiting before him, turn your attention towards your spirit. Do not allow your mind to wonder. If your mind begins to wonder, just turn your attention back again to the inward part of your being, your spirit. This is Meditation.
Life is not a problem to be solved. But an adventure to be experienced and lived. Man was knitted in his mother’s womb fearfully and wonderfully to scale the heights. The universe is created in such a way, it only works when we embrace adventure (Risks) as a way and foundation of our lives.
Yes everyone is seeking adventure in various fields. (Sports, Mountains. Sea and Wilderness). But the real adventure at it’s core is spiritual, venturing into the unknown. Taking that leap of faith into the real dimension the kingdom. It’s a leap into the unprovable realm. Yet we need to launch out in order to find real life. Adventure is the foundation of spiritual life.
When we live by faith we become Alive. Men are bored with the script handed down to act (Playing the part). To minimize risk and live as per the world’s expectations. We have been tamed not to venture into the unknown and uncharted realm. A risk free life. Is this what our hearts desire ? No, our heart really desire adventure.
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G.Kathir is a Counselor, Author, Bible Teacher, Spiritual Director and Seminar Speaker. He has written seminar materials on successful living (Kingdom Life) and recovery of hearts.
He is the founder and director of the Overcomers Universe a Ministry committed to healing the whole man.
He says, I am 65 and lives in Colombo Sri Lanka.I am not a pastor nor a preacher. I don’t lead a church. I am passionate to help people recover their freedom which intern will propel them to the abandoned and prosperous life.This is kingdom life.